This week, Maarten Boers and Peter Ballantyne were in Switzerland to meet with WA Research on the status of the Dgroups migration process. We also met with Dgroups members Helvetas and Swiss Development Cooperation.
Helvetas has so far been gradually introducing and using Dgroups into its activities. It also acts as sponsor for the very active KM4dev Dgroup – where people discuss and share knowledge sharing and knowledge management experiences in the development sector.
In its earlier days within Bellanet, SDC provided support for the platform – helping to ensure it would be both a tool providing specific services as well as a wider common good for the development community to benefit from. SDC colleagues indicated that they intend to continue their membership of Dgroups, particularly making use of it to facilitate communication and exchange in their thematic networks. They indicated they might consider providing additional funds to support the further development of the platform and its outreach into communities in developing countries.
View our presentation to SDC colleagues:
[slideshare id=1121644&doc=dgroupsbernfeb2009-090309095328-phpapp02]On April 15 and 16, members of the Dgroups partnership will meet in The Hague to review progress and plans.