In January 2020, the Dgroups Foundation setup and incubated an information sharing and discussion space to support the work of theCGIAR GENDER impact platform that synthesises and amplifies research, fills gaps, builds capacity and sets directions to enable CGIAR to have maximum impact on gender equality, opportunities for youth and social inclusion in agriculture and food systems.

Since then, the discussion space grew steadily – with a 40% increase in messages being posted on the group between 2020 and 2021.
Given the success of the group, and the need to scale up the work of the platform also by creating additional, separate, discussion spaces, in 2022 the platform agreed a project with the Dgroups Foundation to set up a wider ‘gender’ space that provides more flexibility to establish different related subgroups.
The Dgroups Foundation will continue to support the GENDER platform by creating and promoting new groups as required; providing coaching and guidance to group moderators; and ensuring that users understand and make effective use of the platform.