How do I best design, set up and run or deliver effective online
groups, communities, dialogues or events?

The Foundation convenes and delivers experience-based and peerto-
peer learning, training and other support for effective online
collaboration and dialogue.

In 2020, the Foundation convened an online dialogue to take stock of online collaboration practices and lessons in international development. Through this process, four critical areas for effective online interaction were identified:

  • enhanced online participation and inclusion;
  • effective online communities;
  • appropriate online collaboration platforms and tools; and
  • sustained online engagement over time.

The Foundation facilitates learning and training in these areas and supports partner-led projects and other activities to improve online collaboration capacities of groups, communities and networks or projects. Specific activities we provide include:

‘Make the most of a community’ – Organized on demand for partners and Foundation-led groups. This introduces group members and users to the essential features and settings of the platform. Free to partners.

‘Supporting and managing a community’ – Organized for partners and Foundation-led
groups alongside a dedicated online support group. This introduces community moderators or administrators to settings as well as lessons and insights that will help get the most benefit from their groups. Free to partners.

‘Effective online community engagement and moderation’ course for community facilitators/moderators – Organized and delivered at cost with partners or third parties. The specific objectives are customized to the situation. Usually a mix of peer-to-peer experience capitalisation, some formal training, and drawing on expertise in the partnership/network for resource persons and trainers. Delivered at cost.

Ad hoc collaborative or learning opportunities – Organized and delivered at cost and on demand for specific situations. Normally drawing in expertise from the partnership/network, indicative topics include: How to run an effective online dialogue; How to deliver an effective online event; How to run an effective ‘blended’ e-community and in-person or virtual event; Evaluating online collaboration; individual mentoring and coaching. Delivered at cost.