Setting up a community of practice for food security early action
In 2022, the Jameel Observatory partnered with the Dgroups Foundation to set up an online community space. The Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action is an international partnership led by the University of Edinburgh collaborating with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Save the Children, the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and …
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Learning from our peers – How FAO and SDC use Dgroups
The second Dgroups Online Peer Exchange took place on 16 April 2013. As in the previous session, two Dgroups partner organizations presented their experience in using Dgroups for online networking, knowledge exchange and communication to support their work. Some 30 people participated in the session, with an interesting debate following the presentation by Kristin Kolshus and …
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