In the context of the International Cross Media Festival PICNIC in Amsterdam, on Friday 16 September 2011, Dgroups member IICD co-organised the session Digital Media for a Better Future.
The meeting addressing the issue of contributing to a better world through digital connection between the Netherlands, other western countries and developing and emerging economies.
In her presentation, IICD’s Saskia Harmsen underlined how:
For many professionals working in development organisations both in the North and in the South, their email inbox remains the main space from which they work. With all the new technologies and services that have emerged, be it mobile phone, tablet, or desktop-based, email continues to play an important role that has not been displaced by SMS or new media services. Especially when it comes to conversations among many different people within working groups and professional networks with geographically dispersed members, a reliable, non-commercial, and low-bandwidth friendly solution is key. (Source: IICD News)
In her views, the Dgroups platform, and the partnership of development organisations that supports this initiative, makes such communications and development dialogue possible.
Watch Saskia’s presentation below here.
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