Introducing the online community connector
Over the past months, we have been working to develop the ‘community connector ‘ – a public, searchable database and directory of online groups and communities in the development and humanitarian sector working towards shared sustainable development goals. Version 1.0 of the connector is now live and you can browse and search the initial set …

Charter4Change – Adding value online
In January 2021, the Dgroups Foundation convened an online partnership dialogue to share and learn what value the Foundation and its partners provide through online communities dialogue and how this is delivered. In this video, Tarini Ross presents how Charter 4 Change (C4C) has been using email based discussion groups to facilitate and enable its …

Innov4AgPacific – Adding value online
In January 2021, the Dgroups Foundation convened an online partnership dialogue to share and learn what value the Foundation and its partners provide through online communities dialogue and how this is delivered. In this video Jana Dietershagen takes us to a quick journey through the Pacific talking about a four-year project on promoting nutritious food …

KM4Dev – Adding value online
In January 2021, the Dgroups Foundation convened an online partnership dialogue to share and learn what value the Foundation and its partners provide through online communities dialogue and how this is delivered. In this video, Rocio Sanz from the KM4Dev community provides a brief history and background of KM4Dev. She then talks about the KM4Dev …

Liberating our online Structures
During the Dgroups Partners Dialogue on Adding Value Online (January 2021), Ewen LeBorgne presented how Liberating Structures (LS) can be used to unleash participation and collaboration in online meetings and events. At its simplest, Liberating Structures could be presented as a set of 33 participation formats and facilitation methods. But really it’s a lot more …

Brief summarises lessons for more effective online collaboration, dialogue, and interaction in international development
Last year, as the entire development community moved online, the Dgroups Foundation teamed up with partners to take stock of good practices in facilitating and sustaining online and virtual communities and interactions. This included a knowledge café in May that identified four critical success factors for online collaboration, a KM4Dev@20 workshop in July, an e-conference …

Online interaction in international development: Capitalizing on lessons from an e-conference
Discussions in the recent Foundation-convened e-conference flagged five priority topics essential to effective online dialogue and interaction: Enhancing #participation and #engagement Nurturing effective #COPs Using appropriate #platforms #Learning through e-collaboration #Sustaining engagement through time On 24 September, the Dgroups Foundation facilitated an online meeting to discuss whether these are indeed ‘the’ critical issues and ways …

Dgroups e-conference capitalizes experiences about online collaboration, dialogue and interaction in development
In 2002, Dgroups was set up by a group of development organizations to more easily share knowledge, connect individuals and organizations and foster collaboration. It did this through easy to set up and use, low bandwidth email-based and online communities and spaces. By joining us up, Droups aimed to support individual efforts to collaborate online …

Critical factors for more effective online collaboration, dialogue and interaction in development
Last Friday, 70+ people joined a virtual workshop to share insights and experiences with online collaboration, dialogue and interaction in development. Part of the KM4Dev 20 years event on 2 and 3 July, the session applied an experience capitalization approach to identify ‘actionable knowledge’ that improves our practices in this area. Starting points … We …

Online collaboration, dialogue and interaction – Dgroups Foundation convenes exchange at the KM4Dev July 2020 event
This year, the KM4Dev community of practice marks 20 years of active engagement, sharing, and learning. The process kicks off with a 10-session virtual extravaganza on 2 and 3 July, 2020. It is an exciting, diverse program put together by groups of enthusiastic volunteers. Kudos to them all! On 3 July (1300-1430 CEST), the Dgroups Foundation is …