Critical factors for more effective online collaboration, dialogue and interaction in development
Last Friday, 70+ people joined a virtual workshop to share insights and experiences with online collaboration, dialogue and interaction in development. Part of the KM4Dev 20 years event on 2 and 3 July, the session applied an experience capitalization approach to identify ‘actionable knowledge’ that improves our practices in this area. Starting points … We …

Online collaboration, dialogue and interaction – Dgroups Foundation convenes exchange at the KM4Dev July 2020 event
This year, the KM4Dev community of practice marks 20 years of active engagement, sharing, and learning. The process kicks off with a 10-session virtual extravaganza on 2 and 3 July, 2020. It is an exciting, diverse program put together by groups of enthusiastic volunteers. Kudos to them all! On 3 July (1300-1430 CEST), the Dgroups Foundation is …

Online collaboration: Looking back to see into the future
Yesterday, Peter Ballantyne led a KM4Dev knowledge café about online collaboration. He shared some personal reflections and slides from the origin of Dgroups, showing how ideas and practice evolved, and he provided updates on the current plans of the Foundation and partnership today. He ended by posing some questions for participants to help identify the …
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