2024 in review: Dgroups Foundation highlights
As the year comes to a close, we want to share updates on our 2024 activities, project progress, partner experiences, and some plans we look forward to pursuing in 2025. One of the key areas we’ve worked on recently is the integration of different online collaboration platforms with other tools and systems for knowledge sharing …

Online collaboration use cases in-depth – a talk show
As part of a recent virtual discussion around online collaboration use cases, Saskia Harmsen hosted a talk show in which five Dgroups Foundation partners introduced their groups as examples of different collaboration use cases encountered online. IFAD Innovation Network Gladys Morales presented the IFAD innovation network as an example of using online groups to discuss an issue in …
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Implementing group donation feature for the KM4Dev online community
Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) is a global networked community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches. The KM4Dev email list, hosted by the Dgroups Foundation on its groups.io platform, is the community’s primary exchange platform. To cover the running costs of KM4Dev ICT infrastructure – …
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Youth in dialogues – Online event
Thursday 11 August 2022 – 2 pm CEST – check time in your time zone Registration link: https://bit.ly/3yRXCle Development and humanitarian organisations increasingly want to include and act upon the voices, opinions, and insights of young people. They often do this by setting up specific youth dialogues and fora, by inviting youth into other events …

KM4Dev – Adding value online
In January 2021, the Dgroups Foundation convened an online partnership dialogue to share and learn what value the Foundation and its partners provide through online communities dialogue and how this is delivered. In this video, Rocio Sanz from the KM4Dev community provides a brief history and background of KM4Dev. She then talks about the KM4Dev …

Online interaction in international development: Capitalizing on lessons from an e-conference
Discussions in the recent Foundation-convened e-conference flagged five priority topics essential to effective online dialogue and interaction: Enhancing #participation and #engagement Nurturing effective #COPs Using appropriate #platforms #Learning through e-collaboration #Sustaining engagement through time On 24 September, the Dgroups Foundation facilitated an online meeting to discuss whether these are indeed ‘the’ critical issues and ways …

Online collaboration: Looking back to see into the future
Yesterday, Peter Ballantyne led a KM4Dev knowledge café about online collaboration. He shared some personal reflections and slides from the origin of Dgroups, showing how ideas and practice evolved, and he provided updates on the current plans of the Foundation and partnership today. He ended by posing some questions for participants to help identify the …
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