
From planning to action: Launching the CGIAR Climate Community

As climate change continues to impact lives, livelihoods, and ecosystems across the globe, the CGIAR Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Impact Platform is leading efforts to find solutions that truly matter. By uniting CGIAR’s research on climate adaptation and mitigation, the Platform ensures these initiatives achieve maximum visibility and impact where they are needed most. Earlier …

2023 Dgroups partners-meeting

Online collaboration use cases in-depth – a talk show

As part of a recent virtual discussion around online collaboration use cases, Saskia Harmsen hosted a talk show in which five Dgroups Foundation partners introduced their groups as examples of different collaboration use cases encountered online. IFAD Innovation Network Gladys Morales presented the IFAD innovation network as an example of using online groups to discuss an issue in …

2023 Dgroups partners-meeting

Exploring use cases for online communities and groups

While development and humanitarian organizations tend to use similar online tools and platforms to collaborate, we tend to use them in different ways and for different purposes.  Exploring and sharing tips from these different uses was the focus of a recent Dgroups Foundation online partner experience exchange. The experience-sharing session on 24 February 2023 drew …

UN-REDD Forest Climate Solutions

Setting up a community space on forest solutions to the climate crisis

In November 2022 the Dgroups Foundation started to work with UN-REDD to help incubate and support a dedicated community space discussing forest solutions to the climate crisis. “UN-REDD is the flagship UN knowledge and advisory partnership on forests and climate to reduce forest emissions and enhance forest carbon stocks. It is the largest international provider …

KM4Dev Online Community

Implementing group donation feature for the KM4Dev online community

Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) is a global networked community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches. The KM4Dev email list, hosted by the Dgroups Foundation on its platform, is the community’s primary exchange platform.  To cover the running costs of KM4Dev ICT infrastructure – …

CGIAR Gender platform

Scaling up of the CGIAR GENDER impact platform

In January 2020, the Dgroups Foundation setup and incubated an information sharing and discussion space to support the work of theCGIAR GENDER impact platform that synthesises and amplifies research, fills gaps, builds capacity and sets directions to enable CGIAR to have maximum impact on gender equality, opportunities for youth and social inclusion in agriculture and …

Incubating a Fair Digital Finance Accelerator online community

The Fair Digital Finance Accelerator is a three-year consumer advocacy project hosted by Consumers International in collaboration with consumer associations in Low- and Middle-Income countries. The Dgroups Foundation is working with the Fair Digital Finance Accelerator to help establish an online community of consumer associations in Low- and Middle-Income countries and a platform for collaborative …